Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Beyond RBI's Rate Hike

I was in All India Radio studios last evening again as an expert to comment on news developments. As luck would have it, RBI raised the interest rates for the 13th time yesterday and most of the anchors' questions moved around the event. While asnwering the questions, one or two interesting things struck me. Apart from the usual things that a rate hike typically does, such as raising the rates for retail loans and fixed income options, which this move will obviously do, there are a few other things that are possible. First, if things get real bad on the global economic front such as a deeper mess in Europe and the US and there is a credit squeeze in India with forex moving out and back, the RBI could reverse the rate regime as an emergency measure. The state of government finances is such that instead on the fiscal side, fire-fighting might have to be done on the monetary side. Second, it is now quite clear that corporate earnings  will suffer for some quarters. This means that in the absence of increasing revenues and profitability, companies will try to cut costs. First, future investments, travel, promotion and advertising. Then, manpower. During a Diwali party, some people told me the kind of job losses taking place in the telecom industry. Of course, bloodletting on the manpower front in mutual funds and insurance industry is now known to all. What a reversal of fortune? Maybe a case of "what goes up.......".

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